How does one measure Christmas Spirit? Is it something that can be placed on a shelf or decorated with tinsel? Can you hold it or is it something you just feel? In my 62 years, I have experienced Christmas Spirit in several different scenarios but it's most definitely a feeling within one's heart. It can't be purchased or manufactured. It isn't something that can be displayed.
As a boy, I remember getting the Christmas spirit every year on the last day of school before Christmas break. After lunch, the entire grade school would meet in the gymnasium and sit on the floor, lights would be dimmed and a large projector would play some black and white film...usually, the Three Stooges. It was incredibly old fashioned, even then, but we'd laugh gleefully. After the film, we would gather our belongings and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and say, "see ya next year."
The Christmas spirit grew stronger as our family would pile into Dad's car and we'd drive to our Grandparent's house on Christmas Eve. The presents would be under the tree and my stomach would hurt from anticipation. We took our time. Mom and Grandma would chat in the kitchen while Dad and Grandpa would discuss work and cars in the living room. After dinner, we would sit in a circle and pass out at a time. It took hours, but we liked it that way.
Grandma would get on the piano, and we'd sing Christmas carols as best we could. Those were wonderful times and it was a tradition that lasted through the mid 90's until my brothers and I had our own kids. Grandma's house was full of Christmas spirit but that spirit was noticeably missing after we stopped going there.
The Christmas Spirit tends to slip away as one grows into an adult, but one year, when my daughter was about 4 years old, my heart was bursting with Christmas Spirit. My first wife and two kids had driven to Missouri to be with her parents.They lived in an older house with an unfinished attic where we would sleep during our visits. It was cold up there so we'd stay warm under several blankets. It was Christmas Eve and our 2 year old was already asleep, so my daughter and I decide to go to bed early too. I noticed an old radio from the 50's on a dresser and plugged it in. After surfing through most of the AM dial, I hit upon and station playing Christmas music. My daughter hopped into bed with me and we got warm under the blankets while the music played beneath a soft layer of static.
I was reliving the Christmas spirit though my 4 year old as she asked questions about Santa Claus and Christmas. She was so excited and her excitement filled my heart. I held her close and we softly sang songs we heard on the radio and continued to have the most wonderful conversation. Suddenly, there was a noise at the other end of the room. My daughter was worried that perhaps we better go to sleep as it could be Santa himself. She had remembered me saying that Santa wouldn't come if we we still awake. She quickly fell asleep and I held her and felt so full of love that night. I knew that my marriage was not to last, but on that particular Christmas Eve, all was well. I always found it a shame that my soon to be Ex wife would eventually tell my kids there was no Santa Claus when they were still quite young.
Now, as it should be, I get the Christmas Spirit thinking of the child born in a manger in Bethlehem. Jesus Christ. The Son Of God. I pray for PEACE and GOODWILL to all mankind.
Merry Christmas to all from The Orange Room.