One of my favorite tales from the band days was the night we liberated a keg of beer right in front of the eyes of the hipsters from Delto Kama Rama Lama Ding Dong Phi!
It was gonna be a great night, so after getting ready in the Orange Room ( which I painted to look exactly like my bedroom at my parents home), we were ready to play an engagement for a frat part on Bradley Campus. College girls!!!! Tight sweaters and visions of Animal House were dancing in my head. That movie had just come out the year before and as far as I knew, this was going to be an EPIC PARTY!!!! Perhaps there would be togas and lewd behavior? It was all about to happen.
Unfortunately, after we arrived and set up, we realized that we were not really welcome. We were treated like insects at a company picnic. You know it’s a proven fact that no one is "cooler" than a rich college frat boy!!!! Even to the girls...although I'm sure given enough time and substances, we would have lured them away easily.
The frat rats just stood and watched us all night. No clapping, no dancing, no anything. The silence was deafening. On our breaks, I tried to converse a bit at the beer keg about music but was quickly ignored. What did I know about music? Shit I was only a 20 year old musician.
After we loaded the Big Dumb Red Dog up with our equiptment, ( that was our band old fire department truck) we noticed that we had just a little more room left before we swung the big double doors shut. Roger backed the truck up right in front of the frat house back door where 5 or 6 Delta Commi Rossi rattle Phi boys were sucking down their suds next to several kegs of untapped beer. in a fatal swoop, our big biker roadie, Ivan and two of us snatched up one of those beer kegs like it was our last PA cabinet and quickly loaded it on the truck. The Frat rats were oblivious in their attempt to ignore us. I hopped on the running board along the back of the truck and yelled, so long SUCKERS!!!! and with that ....the truck began to slowly diasappear. As if a light bulb had finally gone off, the Frat rats finally noticed that we has just stolen one of their kegs of beer right before their eyes!!! Hey!!!! Hey!! Hey you Son Of A Bitches!!!! That our beer!!!!! Fuck you Assholes was our response!!!!
That beer tasted extra sweet when we got home to the band house later that night.
I selpt like a baby in the orange room knowing that we got one over those dick heads!!!