For my eighth grade graduation in May of 73’
I received a Zeinth record player with interesting diffusion speakers. It probably cost 100 dollars. Let’s just say it was not state of the art but it was 100 percent better than the one piece plastic player I used for the last two years.
The Zeinith had the record changing devise where one could stack three or four albums and they would drop one by one when each finished. Terrible for your records but I didn’t know that at the time. That player was my main sound source from 1973 to 1983 when I saved enough money and bought my cousins Sony system with JBL speakers.
As cheap as it was, I’m surprised it didn’t damage my albums too badly. I still have many of my original 70s records.
I often wonder why my parents didn’t complain more about my music. After all, their room was directly across the hall and I stacked several up every night. I guess they got used to it or the fan and later, air conditioning unit in their room drowned it out.
Dad would stick his head in occasionally when he heard something he didn’t like. For example, the song, Working Class Hero by John Lennon dropped the F bomb twice and that was the first time I’d ever heard that coming from an artist. At least from my room. Dad asked me what crap I was listing too???? Imagine what he would have thought about today’s Hip Hop crap!!!!
WAP????? His head would have exploded.
There were some fond memories of Dad listening to my records with me. I turned him on to Queen Night Of The Opera and Alice Cooper Welcome To Nightmare when I was 16. I just thought they were so cool that he would even get a kick out of the production. He’d lay down on my bed after work while dinner was prepared and close his eyes.
He seemed to be enjoying it but I knew he was basically just resting after a days work. It was still nice to share it with him even if he was asleep.
it was a magic time in my Orange Room.
My first car from September 1975 and how I looked going into work then. Lums Express.
Also two black light posters that have survived over the years.
Sitting with my grandma listening to Jesus Christ Superstar.
My High-school girlfriend and me in the Orange Room.
Christmas gift 1975