As a teenager in my ORANGE ROOM, I slowly collected all the Beatles records. Along with their solo output, these records were and continue to be the soundtrack of my life. The Beatles, helped me get over my first love heartbreak and the stress of college. Their music was listened to and loved by my children as they grew up. Hey Jude was one of the first songs my young daughter could sing. A few years ago, I was lucky enough to take my two oldest to see Paul McCartney live in St Louis. I later took my youngest to see Alice Cooper.
The Beatles music comforted me through divorce and helped me celebrate my new found love. When my daughter packed her belongings and pulled out of our drive way to begin her new life in St Louis, She’s Leaving Home came on my head set in shuffle play. I cried on my lawn mower.
Once again I Cry. My middle boy, Dylan, has Recently left this earth. I'm devastated but I will see him again. In the meantime, The Beatles music helps ease the pain. Take a sad song and make it better. May God take you and welcome you son.
Sweet story